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User's Profile: Unic

Photos rating: 4
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Country:United States
I amwoman
seeking aman
for marriage
Height:4'9" - 5'1"
Weight:100 - 109 lbs
Description:I am looking for committed relationships, for life long partner to grow old together till end. I am old fashionate woman with moral values, family oriented, loyal, romantic. Still waiting for my prince, my knight. There are some quotes I like and think the same way: The most important thing in a relationship - not to feel passion and desire, but to feel care and conviction that you've appreciated that you won't let go, that your loved one is responsible for you and will protect you from any troubles and will be happy just to be around you. Nothing can replace the value of such moments when you just carefully and tightly embraced (translated from Russian). Самое важное в отношениях - чувствовать не страсть и желание,а заботу и уверенность В том,что тебя ценят,что тебя не отпускают,что за тебя становятся ответственным,что защитят от любых бед и просто хотят быть рядом. Ни что не заменит ценность таких моментов,когда тебя просто заботливо и крепко обнимают. According to Sufi philosophy, one of the prerequisites for happiness is being able to sit next to friends or people you love. You just need to sit and do nothing, say nothing. Look at each other or don't even look. Rapture comes from the fact that you're surrounded by people with whom you feel good. No longer need something to occupy yourself, fill the space with sounds. Quite silently feel the presence of friends. Marry a man/woman you love to talk to. As you get older, their conversational skills will be as important as any other. "A happy marriage is a long conversation that always seems too short."--Andre Maurois  "

Date:May 26, 2015
Profile rating:No rating
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